Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Cancel Your Dreams

I like to change up what type of posts to put up
so every now and then I like to post art work or quotes, that
mean something to me and that I think everyone should think about and just swim in, thinking
about what it may mean to you.

Street Artist: Banksy
I did put up a post on some of Banksy's artwork and
the one above is another one of my favorites.
How many times have people told you that your dream is 
a waste of time, that you will never make a living from what
you chose to do with your life or you simply have no one in your corner cheering
you on to keep striving for what you want to do with your life.

Well, I myself have definitely been there and partly still here.
I have very few people in my corner supporting me.
But, I have self evidence that EVERYTHING will workout 
and EVERYTHING will be ok in my future with my love of Art..Fashion..and Other Things.
So I hope that this post will give you insight if your going through challenging time in your future and feel that no one is there to support you, remember that you are not alone.
Tweet Me anytime.=]

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