Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I've been trying to wait to post this and do a DIY but I couldn't
 help myself, I L.O.V.E. this style. I feel that this could 
be worn year around..[laugh my butt off, If you've 
been following the blog you probably noticed 
that I agree with wearing everything all year 
around, whether its shorts in the summer, but just 
pairing with leggings [of course] or bustiers during 
this chilling season but matching it with a sweater would 
be total Awesome-Sauce] #TotallyRecklesslyEclectic But 
enough with my Spring2Summer2Fall2Winter clothing ramble 
and back to this piercing style! Basically,this
 is a Make Your Ex Boyfriend 
See What He 
Is Missing 


  1. We agree with shorts being okay in the winter (with leggings or stocking of course)! All of the bras you posted are cute, but we LOVE #1 the best! It is so FAB!!!



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