Monday, December 2, 2013


So have you guys heard about Joe's recent
Uncensored Tell All Interview.
  • It discusses the whole kicking Demi of the tour bus story
  • When he first smoked weed
  • Being a Disney star
  • The Brothers Breakup 
and much more

I commend him for telling the truth
 behind a few Jo Bro scandals.
I'm sure he feels so much wait lifted off his shoulders
I just wonder how Nick, Kevin and Demi feels about sharing 
things that they have kept hidden for so long, if they wanted to 
share this certain info or not, I feel for all of them.

They all have been through so much behind the scenes.
The Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato are all
gifted and musically talented but growing up in the spotlight
seems to hinder a artists growth rather than build it up, like people think it should.

To read the interview, click on the direct link below:

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