Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Updated News

I have decided that I will start a Youtube Channel
I have personally been debating on whether to do this or not for I think
about more than a year and I would always second guess myself, as anyone would I guess. Putting yourself out there for majority of the world to see is a big step but seems I wont be doing it alone. I have 3 other siblings and they also decided to assist me in starting and maintaining the channel with great topic ideas and starring in it.
We decided that we will basically shoot our lives, like basically our normal everyday insane conversations. Along with some of the things that I talk about on here just expanded. Like Movies, TV Shows, Fashion and even my thoughts on the world we live in. At the moment that's what I got it may expand or just change overall, hahaha I don't really know.
But I hope that you follow the channel and continue following the blog
and spread the word to strangers, lmbo Once I get a video up and when I will actually be posting I will share it with you on here and Twitter.
#Much Love

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