Monday, April 20, 2015

Swingin' into Avengers

Is it True?!!

Will Spidey actually be in the end credits of Avengers: Age of Ulton?
There were rumors that Spidey will make a feature in the movie but I dont think we all thought about it being in the end credits. 
Which is pretty smart to do, to get us all amped up for the next Avengers movie, Infinity Wars.

This was a leak from someone hacking into Sony's is it me or does Sony need to reevaluate their internet security, lmbo. Now I dont know if this is their second email hacking or if this is still from the first one but either way this is front page Marvel news!!

But this is still said to be a fake..
But most of America will know for 
sure on May 1st or midnight of April 30th

*info from the*

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