Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Mailing Scrumptious-ness

Cake Postcard
I thought this was such an A-mazing idea.
The person who I got the idea to make 
this was from the website by Sandra Denneler

Great idea Sandra!

Step 1
You will need a Sponge, X-acto Knife and a serrated/utility knife

Step 2
Cut the sponge in 1/2 sideways

Step 3
Spray paint the sponge with the desired color..
Red, Pink, White, Brown or keep it Yellow.

Step 4
Spray Glue on an actual postcard you would want to 
mail or cut a piece of paper, gluing it on the sponge.

Step 5
Next add Caulking to a piping bag 
[any color you want]

Step 6
And now start piping different swirls and designs
making it look really pretty.

Step 7
You can also use a paint brush, pencil 
or even a toothpick
to make the cake look more real.

Finally Let it Dry for about 
3-5 days on parchment paper.
[Like the paper you put your 
cookies on, wax paper]

 And here is an example of your final look.
Dont it look delicious!?

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