Thursday, September 26, 2013

Lip Faux-pas

Whats going on with your mouth?
Wait is it already Halloween?!
Many people forget so if you've forgotten
The Purpose of Lip Liner: 
1] Lips to look fuller 
          [if you have thin lips]
        2] Lipstick stays on longer
        3]Color looks more fuller

Lipliner can easily be a No No!!
For example in the 90s and for people who simply couldn't let go
in the early 2000s people went a 
little over board on the liner.
And this

Nor is this the way!

How to apply your 
Lip liner

Now i must admit this looks very pretty on Naomi Campbell
 [but its Naomi Campbell how could this fad not look great on her]
but that may be mostly because the photo is tinted.
This was a old style, wearing a darker color and your lip liner than the color of your lip stick and until this trend or for me fad 
[which shouldn't come back,but may]
comes back DO NOT try this trend!

Believe it or not people actually get their lips among other parts of the faces
permanently tatted on. 
That I call Beauty Tatted

The only plus I see in getting this would be if I 
was sleeping next to my husband and him waking up
with me already looking my best, plus this takes mins from putting on
my makeup, I could just walk right out 
the door for work.
But I am still against this procedure, I would not ever want to get this. Fashion and your personal style changes everyday, so it would be a waste to get this and not be able to try different colors of eyeliner, brow liner or lip liner because you tatted
black or a deep red on your face.

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