Monday, August 26, 2013



Alright lets talk about last night performances from beginning to end.You know what now thinking about it how 'bout I just talk about the ones that #traumatized me the most and
the performances that were out of this world!
As you all know or should know last night was the 
2013 MTV Video Music Awards or VMAs for short.

Of last night we all witnessed the comeback of Lady Gaga and she did absolutely A-mazing I didn't quite agree with her last outfit change 
that she chose to stay in all night, but I will get to that tomorrow for on #TrippyTuesday.
Her performance was great very thought out and different from traditional acts but of course its Gaga.
Plus I heard that she got upset that One Direction got booed for winning "Song of The Summer"
and referred to her song "Applause" in there case.

Lets move on to a negative Highlight of last nights VMAs and Im sure that we all know what Im referring to. #MileyCyrus
This chick I lost so much respect for her last night, the way she put herself and her body out there on stage was just sickening and now im not talking about this...

This chick put herself out here in a way that had me like "We are gonna hear in 10 years on a Miley Cyrus documentary that she was high on stage [shocker right!] but that she probably sniffed something in the back.
Lets be real, Im speaking my mind and im being blunt right now mostly because this young woman in losing the respect of many around the world, gaining attention and influence from people that he most likely don't need it from and most of all she is to talented and beautiful to degrade herself to this level of utter embarrassment.
Then for herself to twerk and grind on Robin Thicke a married man at that and for this grown man not to move away in a 
cool way at least...I mean Miley is young enough
 to be your daughter at most. 
 And looks like millions across America wasn't the only ones horrified!

Alright and can we say that this whole part of the night featuring Miley, Robin Thicke, 2 Chainz and the unforgettable Kendrick Lamar
was just a contest to "Who Can Degrade The Most Women In a 10 min Performance"?!

Now Kanye West.
Alright so if you can explain to me what this song has to do with Strange Fruit which is regarding lynching in the south sung by Billie Holiday
have to do with a chick and his friends, I would be very much pleased.
I mean I get the song title, Blood on Leaves but like this is a serious question. I have no idea what the meaning of this song had to do with Blood on Leaves or Strange Fruit. 
Was he betrayed by his girl?! Shoot, I dont know moving on!

Justin TIMBERlake!!!
*lmbo, I say in my lumberjack voice*
Sooo, did you guys know that there was an awards show going on during this epic Justin Timberlake concert?
Alright lets admit how shocked was everyone when NSync stepped out on stage. Man and who didnt get up and start doing the moves to "Bye Bye Bye"
Justin was on on stage for 15mins straight jumping around from different stages dancing and singing.
I mean literally all I could imagine was if that was me, hahaha I would have been calling out for my asthma pump the first 5mins and most likely would have tripped over an audience member or a rando box on the floor! But to sum it all up that was the best 15 mins through this whole VMA night that I wasnt traumatized!
*I couldnt find a longer video without so many links or good quality
if any one finds a better on let me know and Ill post that in place of this one*

Drake, It was good.
But in other news what really caught my attention was when Harry from One Direction 
was bobbing along while eating his Cutie orange! 
Lmbo, because thats something that I would most likely do.
Hahaha, plus those oranges are really good. =]

Bruno Mars
usually I complain to my little sis how most of his songs that are played on the radio 
are about losing his love, suicide and other stuff like that but I dont know if he got a lady on the low or he got a talking to. But lately he has been coming out with some A+ great songs and how great is his band!?

And Katy!
Katy Perry def brought it, great concept [+] this song is awesome sauce!

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