Monday, August 18, 2014

Miles Morales

I have recently discussed Miles Morales on the blog.
Miles Morales is Ultimate Spiderman and if you read the post then you know that Andrew Garfield [Amazing Spiderman in film] strongly suggests that the follow up Spiderman should totally be Miles Morales. Here is his quote:
"Miles Morales was a huge moment in this character’s comic book life. And I do believe that we can do that. It’s something I’m really interested in figuring out; an eloquent way of coexisting, or passing on the torch. I don’t have an answer, but I think it’s actually a really important move. I think it’s a really beautiful and important move."-- Andrew
Sony disagrees whole heartedly they are not interested in moving on to doing a movie on the Ultimate Spiderman...does this make any sense at all to you guys? I mean eventually people are going to get sick of the same Peter Parker story. Down the years having different actors play Peter, seeing a story line with Mary Jane and a new Gwen and then moving on to his villains. I mean Spiderman is one of my favorite heroes. To be quite honest this is what happens when we get people who are NOT superhero fans just producers looking for a quick and easy buck. I mean honestly how can you say that you want to go in to the Spiderman Universe and not even consider characters like Miles Morales, Benn Reilly, Miguel O'Hara.
Or this story of many, when Peter got into a fight with Morlun [who is a vampiric being who consumes not blood bt power from the universe, people and super people, lol] and being married to Mary Jane then eventually being pronounced dead from being beaten and having his eye taken out from the fight. Eventually, Tony Stark gave Peter a new costume along with his new found powers that was gold and red.
So please comment below and let me know what you guys think!

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