Monday, September 16, 2013

Ahhh, Make It Stop!!

Wrecking Ball
Wrecking Ball is a beautiful song. When I first heard the audio version I knew that it was about Liam and their love. I mean I'm sure everyone could tell that it was about Liam. The love they once
had and the pain of losing it.

I feel that Miley has gone through so much with her parents divorce, Liam and I'm sure numerous of other things. I'm not making an excuse for her but for her to have such a dramatic change is crazy.
Saying that she is showing her "art' in this manner is not justifiable. Miley is so talented that she doesn't need to expose herself and do wild and crazy things that should honestly stay behind closed doors to the public.
She has the potential to be elegant and at the same
time a bad to the bone punk rocker.
One thing in life that you never want to lose from yourself or others is Respect. 

Wrecking Ball 
Video Reactions

^She had my exact reaction^
The 1st time i watched this video I was 
at home and my parents were around..
Talk about awkward!

Here is Miley explanation to her video
I saw on Instagram a while back.

I wish that she would consider the future, though. 
Things maybe bad or frustrating now
but think about your family, your future fiance and your future kids.
What would they think about seeing their mom grinding on a married man or swinging 
on a ball naked. I'll tell you what they would say, "Gross" and "Mom, why?"
I understand take risks, be yourself and dont let
others define who you are. But beautiful girl
there is a line that must be drawn, this was not
a smart move especially near your last display of
affection to Robin Thicke on the VMAs

All I'm saying is that their are better ways to express your art and pain 
in a dramatic, respectful and meaningful way.

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