Friday, September 13, 2013

Concrete Jungle

If you are a follower of RE you may know by now that I have a thing for Street Art! Its my favorite type of art, its rebellious, care free, expressive.
Whenever I see any type of street art I think 
"Wow that artist had no fear for the law."
 Living on the edge, no matter what the artist was gonna get their message out or simply they have no message at all they just had an idea..a vision that they had to get out on concrete because paper wouldn't hold their magnificence that was bottled up in the artists head.

And I know this has to be Banksy, his style of graffiti is very recognized.
Banksy speaking the truth, in this piece,lol!

Mhhmmmm, You look tasty!

Dont Smoke!
Or you'll look like this in a few years,lmbo

 This is my other favorite type of Art..
Every artist has something that they love to draw whether its feet, knees, lips or any other
part of the body. My favorite part are the eyes! 
So this would be my one of my favorite pieces I've posted.

Lol, this is just funny!

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