Thursday, August 29, 2013

Hey Football Head!

Hola! Ladies anyone remembers who 
this handsome young man is?
Lol, jk...hey guys Im sure most of us if not all of us watched Football Head aka Hey Arnold when we were younger,right?

I always loved the secret love Helga had for Arnold. Lol, reminds me of that elementary love when you like that cute girl/guy in class but didnt have the guts to tell her/him so you punched them everyday on the playground. lmbo, that never happened to me...not the getting punched part but me being the puncher. I always ran and hid from that special guy I liked, lol up until the end or middle of high school. Sad, right?
Yea, I had issues back then..hahah #Shy

Helga Confesses her Love! 
And Creeps the Lamb chops out of Arnold!

But anyway I love finding fan art of old shows I used to watch as a kid.
Like how they grew up and what they are doing now with their fictional lives,lol

A Day in The Life 
of a Classroom

Helga Sleepwalks

You know its Love when you both can rock
 mustaches together and still find the other attractive!


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    1. What do you mean brain dead? And my twitter is always posted on the top of the page right under the blog name, but my twitter is @Mari_SoEclectic


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