Thursday, September 19, 2013


Anyone remembers Even Stevens?!
When I was thinking of something to post about #ThrowbackThursday
the first thought was Even Stevens! Lol, I used to love this show as a kid and Louis or Shia LaBeouf was of course everybody's favorite character well mine at least. 

He was soo disgusting on the show but my, he grew up well didnt he...
Before                                                 After

Am I right?!....Yea Im right.

But anyways this was a really funny show,lol 
how could you not have enjoyed it.
 Below are some funny clips and a whole episode I came across.

Ughk..But even as a kid I knew that his fashion choices was a No..No!
I hated seeing him wear those horrific Hawaiian shirts and other button downs. Louis just did not care at all how he looked an he had the audacity to like Tawny. I'm just saying when I was 11 or 10 I wouldn't think about liking or talking to a guy who wore Hawaiian shirts,lol but thats just how i was.

Awww, i felt so sorry for this Lunch Lady
she was just so misunderstood. Even though 
her food was gag-oriffic!

The Kiss
Full Episode

The cast members
Then and Now

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