Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Harvfestween!!

Hey guys sorry I didn't post yesterday sometimes I cant post everyday like i want mainly because of school and worship service at my church, I utterly hate when I miss a day when I cant express my thoughts to you guys, so for all of you who follow me and support me thank you and I will forever love you. 
But moving on..Mooohhahahahaa [Creepy voice]
Its Fall Fest or Harvest Fest or Halloween to 
most of you.
So for all you Ghouls, Vampiras, Zombies and plain ol' Trick or Treaters leave no regrets tonight! 

Below are some last minute ideas for you all if
maybe you still don't know what you are
going to do with your face tonight but 
don't worry I found some makeup ideas for you.

Easy Makeup ideas!

More Creative!

The next two are ones that I thought 
about being this year but maybe next Halloween. 
 Tne below is basically a comic book inspired look.
Then this is a Sugar Skull 
how amazingly cool is this idea

Hey gud lukin' yur brains 
smell yum yum!! Give me Nibble!

This reminds me if that Batman villian 2Face
Hmm, La 2 Face fille 
[not totally sure I even said that sentence correct,lol #French]

This year I chose to be a Hybrid, half
Wolf half Vampire how cool could you get!
but what makes this time more fun is "becoming" your character,lmbo

After feeding time...
[Can you guess what kind of blood this is?!]

Trying to blend in with society, by wearing glasses to not cause so much attention to my Hybrid eyes.

My new Pewter Boots.

Long Black Dress

Vegan Twilight Vampire Contacts

Purple Lips
Tip: If you dont have a Purple lip liner
gently use black eyeliner as your liner.

Side Effects of being a Vegan Hybrid
you'll eat anything!

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