Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Thats What your wearing?

There are some Krazy Halloween costumes out there with a  capital K!
I saw some that was just ughk, I would never be able to burn from my mind.
But here are some that aren't so R rated.

Ohh, *sings* "Im Hot Like Fire give 
me what you got"...#ChrisBrownMoment
Lol no but this is sooo creative, lol I would love it. 
Each one would totally compliment my hair
[my hair is reddish-brown-magenta colored]

Ayy, Im THAT Guy!

Aaaahhh, Sheron Im so confused.
[Lol Hannah Montana flashback]
But yea this guy was totally 
confused when he chose this..or should I say these outfits

Ummm, Dude we can all see you.
Like you destroyed a perfectly good seat, lol for a really bad costume.

You cant be serious
Ha..I bet so many people got a Kick out of this 
[lmbo get it!]

Ewww, if I saw someone with this as a Halloween
costume I would think...ok your jinxing yourself.
Lol, like what if your child came out absolutely crazy or God forbid a miscarriage. I don't that's just me..I think to much if you haven't noticed..smh yea I'm working on that.

Hey good lookin' ?! 
You Hairy Beast, you! 

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