Monday, November 18, 2013

Matte Me

So I was a CVS the other day looking for hair color 
and I saw this Covergirl matte nail polish ad
and, omg I was so happy.
I mean I have been looking for matte nail polish everywhere
but it was like almost $9..hahaha
and I thought that is an insane price for nail polish
especially since my nail are pathetically bitten to non-existence, lmbo.
So anyways I thought what better posting 
than my struggle to achieve my long time wanting of
Duh duh Duhhhh: 
The Ever So Expensive Matte Nailpolish!

So instead of buying it how about making it?!

A Small bowl
[I mean you dont need a big tupperware bowl, how
 many fingers do you have? o.O]
Any punky nail polish color
something to stir it with
[Like a stick..duh]
An Last your key ingredient: Cornflour

So basically its pretty simple. 
Stir the the nail polish and cornflour together
there is no need to measure just make sure its an even amount.

So yea here are a few examples of some cool matte styles
And No I haven't attempted this 
yet, mostly because I just found this
But I do plan on trying this, plus because I saw from a few sources that this
recipe is effective.

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