Tuesday, December 31, 2013

So How Are Your Resolutions Coming?

You know those New Year Resolutions 
you make every year?
The ones you hardly ever keep, personally I always forget mine [and lose the scrap piece of paper I used to write it, so there is no real point]

But I am not saying not to make a New Years Resolution. I mean they are pretty good for the 
first few months. in my case the first 2 weeks in January or if I come across that scrap piece of paper again. 

So you ask what am I doing on 
this fine night,you ask?
Well I a bringing in the New Year, in the Safe and Non-Regretting way at church. Lol, I don't know I do this every year and it always feels right, 
because I know that I personally wont wake up regretting whatever I 
may have did or didn't do the night before. That's just for me but if you are  going out partying 
remember to stay safe and also that Tipsy Driving is still Drunk Driving. AAA has out a car service to come and pick you and your car up for FREE, even if you don't have AAA you can still use this service. 
They will be running from 6pm -6am. 

Now I'm not sure if there is a AAA service overseas anywhere but if there is a car service that will assist you in your drunkenness or maybe your got separated from your friends or whatever the reason is make the right and safe decision with your transportation, tonight.

Soo, Happy New Year you Amazing & Eclectic followers of RE! #MuchLove #StaySafe

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