Monday, September 2, 2013

Spotlight Artist: Dougie Kent

Brought into Humanity: August 11th 1991
Age: 22
Hometown: Lancaster, PA
Music: Hybrid Rap 
[Meaning:a mixture of pop and rap]
Status: Single
Favorite TV Show: Tie between Drake & Josh 
   and Spongebob
 "I can raise my eyebrows pretty well, its 
Freaky & Funny at the same time"-Dougie Kent
Twitter: @iamdougiekent

I came upon Dougie Kent via Twitter when I received a notification on my phone of a new follower and of course whenever any artist follows me or messages me anything about there music, I take a look at there Youtube or anything else on their twitter. I'm always looking for new music and talent to add to RE. The first song I came across was "Shutterbug" and instantly it reminded me of Mac Miller. The beat of the song and the sound of his voice reminds me of something from Mac's mixtape K.I.D.S and The High Life.

I asked Dougie Kent who and what are his musical influences he says, "I've been listening to Logic lately, he's a great artist. My favorite rapper would have to be Wiz Khalifa. What influences me alot with writing is listening to different genres, for example I have been listening to country since they have powerful choruses and occasionally I throw on some Frank Sinatra."

Dougie Kent grew up being the oldest of his siblings so he had no one to show him the ropes and no one to look up to, except for one of his neighbors who was 3yrs older than he. "He got his first drum set and I used to go up to his house and be determined to play it, but I sucked soooo bad. To the point were I forced myself to learn and everything blossomed from there." Dougie Kent stated. He has always been into metal music because of the technicality to play it. Being a drummer beats fascinated him and he knew he was good at entertaining people. His band at the time named Ace Augustine and got a record deal after he graduated High School, which is when Dougie Kent got his first taste of touring. "Looking back I was pretty young doing concerts and stuff, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. You develop a sense of awareness to becoming an independent person, living on the road and in hotels at 18-19 years old pushes you out of your comfort zone." he says. On tour Dougie Kent learned that everyone has their own struggles and how they deal with their faith, it was a great way to keep his own faith growing. After he left his band to do Hip Hop, it made a lot of people around him mad but he was determined to do what he loved. "I have been super fortunate to have the support of my fans and my loving team, its the best thing ever." he stated

RE: What is your Fashion sense?
Dougie Kent: You could typically see me in a pair of Vans snap back, Nike socks and a t-shirt.
The tee varies though, depends on what mood Im in. My favorite threads though are John Louie's Purple Planes Clothing, stuff fits great and looks killer!

The Meeting That Started It All
RE: So how did you and Jbre meet?
Dougie Kent: Surprisingly, we met randomly in the gym one time Millersville University. I knew he did stuff with a clothing line and I asked how it was going. Long story short, it escalated into him showing me some music on his ipod that he recorded off his computer, so we decided to do one song and it turned out pretty nice. So we continued doing stuff together basically getting the name as Jbre x Dougie Kent all as one entity.

Jbre&Dougie Kent
Who is Jbre? 
The best friend, right hand man and partner.
"It's always nice having someone
 there to help encourage you as a reflection of your work."
--Dougie Kent

RE:What type of music would 
you put your music into?
Dougie Kent: Thats a good question Im going to come up with a new style here and call it Hybrid Rap [he laughs] its not straight rap or pop and its not pop rap, considering some of our stuff is harder than that.
RE: How do you write your lyrics?
Dougie Kent: J and I usually break down the beat and talk to each other, what goes on in the other persons head, to see what picture and angle we should approach.

RE: What is your most proudest video?
Dougie Kent: I am really proud of mine and Jbre's song "Pour A Shot"

RE: Why is that?
Dougie Kent: "Pour A Shot" was the passage way and debut to what was coming on our Freshman Album "After Hours". Even though it was an outtake, people really seemed to like it which made us real excited on releasing the actual record to the public.

The College Takeover

RE: Any funny College Takeover stories?
Dougie Kent: The College Takeover was so dope,that was our first break at getting out to the public with our friends. We hit a bunch of colleges and really got to get our name out there, building hype for our new album like a year in advance. My favorite story would probably be the time when I had way to much to drink at one of the shows and I totally loss track of time talking with some people. So Jbre was super pissed and was trying to find me as we were now running late into our set. I apparently was no where to be found and when they did find me, i went out and said the total wrong name of the place that we were at and somehow played it off perfectly.[laughs]

Who is Purple Planes?
"Purple Planes is a family we have going,
with the fans as the "Pilots", says Dougie Kent

Purple Planes has two branches:
One branch handles nothing but clothing and trends & the other is
Purple Planes Entertainment 
which oversees, guides and establish artists just like Dougie Kent and Jbre.

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